49th Parallel (1941) | WWII movie directed by Michael Powell with Laurence Olivier

“49th Parallel” is a 1941 war film directed by Michael Powell and produced by Powell and Emeric Pressburger. The film features an ensemble cast that includes Laurence Olivier, Leslie Howard, Raymond Massey, and Anton Walbrook. Set during World War II, the story revolves around a group of German U-boat submariners who find themselves stranded in Canada’s wilderness after their vessel is destroyed. As they attempt to escape to the neutral United States, they encounter various Canadian characters who resist their efforts. Laurence Olivier plays a French-Canadian trapper, and the film explores themes of patriotism, freedom, and the shared values of the Allied nations. “49th Parallel” was made as a wartime propaganda film to boost morale and strengthen the alliance between Canada and the United Kingdom. The movie received critical acclaim for its engaging narrative and strong performances.

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