Cottage to Let (1941) | A 1941 British thriller directed by Anthony Asquith

“Cottage to Let” is a 1941 British thriller directed by Anthony Asquith. Set during World War II, the film unfolds in a remote Scottish cottage owned by a patriotic inventor, John Barrington (played by Leslie Banks). Barrington offers his home as a secret haven for a group of evacuated children, who are supposedly out of harm’s way. However, the seemingly peaceful setting takes a suspenseful turn when a mysterious guest, played by Alastair Sim, arrives claiming to be a writer. As events unfold, it becomes apparent that not everything is as it seems, leading to a tale of espionage, intrigue, and unexpected twists. The film combines elements of wartime drama with espionage and light-hearted humor, making it an engaging and entertaining feature. “Cottage to Let” features a strong cast, including George Cole and John Mills, and is recognized for its blend of genres against the backdrop of wartime Britain.

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