Submarine Alert (1943) | A war film directed by Frank McDonald

“Submarine Alert” is a 1943 war film directed by Frank McDonald, featuring Richard Arlen in the lead role. The film is set during World War II and follows the story of a civilian who stumbles upon vital information about enemy submarines operating off the American coast.

Richard Arlen plays Johnny Dean, a salvage diver who discovers a sunken ship containing a secret device that can detect the presence of submarines. Realizing the importance of this information for the war effort, Dean becomes determined to get the news to the U.S. Navy.

As Dean attempts to convey the crucial information, he encounters various obstacles, including enemy agents seeking to prevent the intelligence from reaching the military. The film combines elements of espionage, suspense, and action as Dean navigates through dangerous situations to deliver the valuable information.

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“Submarine Alert” is a product of its wartime context, reflecting the patriotic themes and concerns of the era. The film blends elements of thriller and war drama, emphasizing the bravery and resourcefulness of individuals working to protect their country.

With its focus on submarines and espionage, the film contributes to the cinematic landscape of war-related dramas produced during the 1940s. While not as widely remembered as some other war films of its time, “Submarine Alert” remains a piece of historical cinema that provides a glimpse into the entertainment produced during the World War II period.

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