“The Man from Cairo” is a crime thriller film released in 1953, starring George Raft in the lead role. Directed by Ray Enright, the movie is set against a backdrop of post-World War II intrigue and criminal activities. Raft plays the character Mike Canelli, a former American soldier turned private investigator, who finds himself entangled in a web of smuggling, deception, and danger.
Plot Summary:
The story begins with Mike Canelli (George Raft) traveling to Cairo after the war. Despite his initial intentions to settle down and lead a quiet life, Canelli’s plans take a dramatic turn when he becomes involved in a complex criminal scheme. A group of criminals is plotting to smuggle a cache of stolen gold, and Canelli becomes unwittingly embroiled in their dangerous game.
As the plot unfolds, Canelli discovers that the criminals are not only after the stolen gold but are also involved in a series of double-crosses and betrayals. The film takes the audience on a suspenseful journey through the streets of Cairo, as Canelli navigates a world of shadowy characters, femme fatales, and international intrigue.
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