Deadline USA (1952) | Directed by Richard Brooks

“Deadline USA” is a compelling newspaper drama directed by Richard Brooks, showcasing the indomitable Humphrey Bogart in the lead role. The film unfolds in the bustling world of a struggling newspaper, The Day, which faces impending closure. Ed Hutcheson (Bogart), the managing editor, takes center stage as he battles against time and corruption to publish one last groundbreaking story that exposes the truth. Against a backdrop of moral dilemmas and journalistic integrity, “Deadline USA” explores the challenges faced by the press in upholding the public’s right to know.

  • Humphrey Bogart as Ed Hutcheson
  • Ethel Barrymore as Margaret Garrison
  • Kim Hunter as Nora Hutcheson
  • Ed Begley as Frank Allen
  • Warren Stevens as George Burrows

“Deadline USA” received widespread acclaim for its intense narrative, stellar performances, and its timely exploration of the role of journalism in society. Humphrey Bogart’s portrayal of Ed Hutcheson was lauded for its depth and authenticity, capturing the essence of a principled newspaperman. The film resonated with audiences for its gripping storyline, ethical quandaries, and a powerful depiction of the challenges faced by the press. While not initially a commercial blockbuster, “Deadline USA” has gained recognition over the years as a classic example of a newspaper drama, praised for its relevance and timeless exploration of the fourth estate’s vital role in democracy.

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