Born to Kill (1947) | Directed by Robert Wise

“Born to Kill” is a film noir that follows the dark and twisted story of Helen Brent (Claire Trevor), a woman who becomes entangled in a murderous web of deceit and passion. After a chance meeting, Helen finds herself attracted to a dangerous and violent man, Sam Wild (Lawrence Tierney). As their illicit affair unfolds, it leads to a series of crimes and betrayal, creating a suspenseful and morally complex narrative.

Evaluation: “Born to Kill” is a compelling film noir that stands out for its dark and morally ambiguous characters. Directed by Robert Wise, the film explores the consequences of desire and crime, with standout performances by Claire Trevor and Lawrence Tierney. The chemistry between the leads contributes to the film’s tension, and Wise’s direction adds a layer of suspense to the narrative. The film is noted for its gritty atmosphere, intricate plotting, and a depiction of amorality that was somewhat unconventional for its time. “Born to Kill” remains a noteworthy entry in the film noir genre, appreciated for its complexity and the performances of its cast.


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  • Claire Trevor as Helen Brent
  • Lawrence Tierney as Sam Wild
  • Walter Slezak as Inspector Carrey
  • Elisha Cook Jr. as Marty Waterman
  • Esther Howard as Laury Palmer
  • Phillip Terry as Fred Grover
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