Brute Force (1947) | Directed by Jules Dassin

“Brute Force” is a gritty film noir released in 1947, directed by Jules Dassin. Set within the confines of Westgate Penitentiary, the film explores the lives of prisoners held within its walls, each struggling with their own demons and desires. As tensions mount and violence erupts, a group of inmates led by Joe Collins devises a daring escape plan to break free from the oppressive regime of the sadistic Captain Munsey. Amidst the backdrop of betrayal, sacrifice, and redemption, “Brute Force” delves deep into the human condition, revealing the raw emotions and moral dilemmas that define life behind bars.

“Brute Force” stands as a compelling and provocative exploration of power, corruption, and survival. Jules Dassin’s direction infuses the film with a palpable sense of tension and despair, capturing the claustrophobic atmosphere of the prison with stark realism. Burt Lancaster delivers a mesmerizing performance as Joe Collins, the charismatic yet tormented inmate whose quest for freedom becomes a symbol of defiance against tyranny. Supported by a stellar ensemble cast, including Hume Cronyn as the malevolent Captain Munsey, “Brute Force” offers a searing indictment of institutional brutality and the human spirit’s indomitable will to resist oppression.

Cast List:

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  • Burt Lancaster as Joe Collins
  • Hume Cronyn as Captain Munsey
  • Charles Bickford as Gallagher
  • Yvonne De Carlo as Gina Ferrara
  • Ann Blyth as Ruth
  • Ella Raines as Cora Lister
  • Anita Colby as Flossie
  • Sam Levene as Louie Miller
  • Jeff Corey as Freshman Stack
  • John Hoyt as Spencer
  • Sir Lancelot as Calypso
  • Vince Barnett as Muggsy
  • Jay C. Flippen as Hodges
  • Jeff Corey as Tom Lister
  • Howard Duff as Robert ‘Soldier’ Becker
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