“Ladies in Retirement” is a psychological thriller released in 1941, directed by Charles Vidor. Set in Victorian England, the film centers around Ellen Creed, a devoted housekeeper who lives with her two sisters, Emily and Louisa. When Ellen’s employers, a retired actress named Leonora Fiske and her companion, Ellen, arrive at their secluded home seeking refuge, the situation takes a dark turn. As tensions escalate and secrets come to light, Ellen’s loyalty to her sisters is put to the ultimate test, leading to a chilling and suspenseful climax.
“Ladies in Retirement” is a gripping and atmospheric thriller that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Charles Vidor’s direction infuses the film with a sense of foreboding and unease, capturing the eerie atmosphere of the isolated mansion and the psychological depth of its characters. Ida Lupino delivers a standout performance as Ellen Creed, portraying her descent into madness with haunting intensity. Supported by a talented ensemble cast, including Louis Hayward as Albert Feather and Evelyn Keyes as Lucy Gilham, “Ladies in Retirement” stands as a timeless classic of suspense cinema, blending elements of horror, mystery, and psychological drama with masterful precision.
Cast List:
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- Ida Lupino as Ellen Creed
- Louis Hayward as Albert Feather
- Evelyn Keyes as Lucy Gilham
- Elsa Lanchester as Leonora Fiske
- Edith Barrett as Emily Creed
- Isobel Elsom as Louisa Creed
- Harry Davenport as Mr. Creed
- Rita Page as Mrs. Manning
- Queenie Leonard as Sister Theresa
- Vera Lewis as Mrs. Chisholm
- Clyde Cook as George Bates
- Lillian Kemble-Cooper as Martha
- Annie Esmond as Mrs. Twiggs
- Matthew Boulton as Dr. Gribble