“If I Had My Way” is a heartwarming 1940 musical film directed by David Butler. The movie follows the story of Buzz Miller, a talented and ambitious young singer who dreams of making it big in the world of music. When Buzz’s father, a renowned opera singer, passes away unexpectedly, Buzz is left to care for his younger sister, Pat, and carry on his father’s legacy. Determined to honor his father’s memory and fulfill his own dreams, Buzz embarks on a journey of self-discovery, facing numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. With the help of his friends and the power of music, Buzz learns valuable lessons about love, perseverance, and the true meaning of success.
“If I Had My Way” is a delightful musical romp that combines toe-tapping tunes with heartfelt emotion. Director David Butler infuses the film with warmth, humor, and plenty of old-fashioned charm, making it a joyous celebration of love and family. The movie’s catchy musical numbers, lively dance sequences, and uplifting message resonate with audiences of all ages, reminding them of the importance of following their dreams and staying true to themselves. With its endearing characters and infectious optimism, “If I Had My Way” is a timeless classic that continues to enchant viewers with its timeless appeal.
Cast List:
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- Bing Crosby as Buzz Miller
- Gloria Jean as Pat
- Charles Winninger as Pop
- El Brendel as Axel Swenson
- Allyn Joslyn as Dan Austin
- Claire Dodd as Carol Blane
- Ernest Cossart as Alfred, Buzz’s Valet
- William Frawley as Mike O’Brien
- Minor Watson as Mr. Lane
- Franklin Pangborn as Arthur Hale
- Moroni Olsen as Mr. Bradfield
- Mary Treen as Miss Perkins
- Leon Belasco as Dr. Kirsch
- Donald MacBride as Mr. Murphy
- The Wiere Brothers as Themselves