Design for Living (1933) | Directed by Ernst Lubitsch

“Design for Living” is a captivating 1933 romantic comedy film directed by Ernst Lubitsch, based on the play by Noël Coward. The story revolves around a unique romantic arrangement between three unconventional individuals: Gilda, an independent interior decorator; Tom, a struggling playwright; and George, a talented painter. As they navigate the complexities of love, friendship, and ambition, the trio embarks on a whirlwind journey filled with laughter, passion, and unexpected twists of fate. Set against the backdrop of the vibrant artistic scene in Paris, “Design for Living” explores themes of creativity, desire, and the pursuit of happiness with wit, charm, and sophistication.

“Design for Living” is a delightful and sophisticated romantic comedy that deftly blends sparkling dialogue, witty banter, and sly humor to create an unforgettable cinematic experience. Director Ernst Lubitsch brings Noël Coward’s sharp and insightful script to life with his trademark elegance and finesse, infusing the film with an air of sophistication and joie de vivre. The chemistry between the three leads is electric, with Gilda, Tom, and George sharing a palpable connection that sizzles on screen. The film’s exploration of unconventional relationships and the pursuit of artistic fulfillment remains as fresh and relevant today as it was upon its initial release, cementing its status as a timeless classic of the romantic comedy genre.

Cast List:

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  • Fredric March as Tom Chambers
  • Gary Cooper as George Curtis
  • Miriam Hopkins as Gilda Farrell
  • Edward Everett Horton as Max Plunkett
  • Franklin Pangborn as Mr. Douglas
  • Isabel Jewell as Plunkett’s Secretary
  • Jane Darwell as Curtis’ Housekeeper
  • Wyndham Standing as Mr. Plunkett’s Butler
  • Thomas Braidon as Mr. Winston
  • Lionel Belmore as Doctor
  • Harry Holman as Director
  • Helena Phillips Evans as Landlady
  • Rosita Marstini as Cleaning Lady
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