Across the Pacific (1942) | Directed by John Huston

“Across the Pacific” is a wartime espionage thriller released in 1942, directed by John Huston. Set against the backdrop of World War II, the movie follows Rick Leland, an American intelligence officer with a mysterious past who finds himself embroiled in a deadly plot aboard a transpacific ocean liner. As Leland navigates the treacherous waters of espionage and intrigue, he must uncover a Japanese spy ring and prevent an imminent attack on the Panama Canal. Along the way, he encounters a cast of colorful characters, including a femme fatale and a disgraced naval officer, all with their own hidden agendas and allegiances.

“Across the Pacific” is a tense and suspenseful thriller that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Directed by John Huston, the film features a gripping storyline, sharp dialogue, and dynamic performances that elevate it above standard wartime fare. Humphrey Bogart delivers a commanding performance as Rick Leland, exuding charisma and intensity as the enigmatic protagonist. Mary Astor shines as Alberta Marlow, adding depth and complexity to her portrayal of the mysterious femme fatale. Supported by a talented ensemble cast, including Sydney Greenstreet as Dr. Lorenz and Victor Sen Yung as Joe Totsuiko, “Across the Pacific” offers a thrilling ride through the shadowy world of espionage and deception.

Cast List:

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  • Humphrey Bogart as Rick Leland
  • Mary Astor as Alberta Marlow
  • Sydney Greenstreet as Dr. Lorenz
  • Charles Halton as Henry
  • Victor Sen Yung as Joe Totsuiko
  • Roland Got as Tatsugi
  • Lee Tung Foo as Dr. Yun Usato
  • Frank Wilcox as Col. Hart
  • Paul Stanton as FBI Chief
  • Lester Matthews as Colonel Crawford
  • Roland Drew as Captain Morrison
  • Tom Stevenson as Major
  • Frederick Worlock as Military Governor
  • Chester Gan as Control Tower Officer
  • Monte Blue as 1st Officer
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