“Grand Central Murder” is a murder mystery film released in 1942, directed by S. Sylvan Simon. The movie unfolds within the bustling confines of New York City’s Grand Central Terminal, where a murder occurs within the luxurious confines of a private train car. The victim, a wealthy and notorious socialite, is found dead, prompting an investigation led by Inspector Gunther, a seasoned detective who must unravel a web of secrets and lies among the train’s passengers to uncover the truth behind the murder. As the investigation progresses, hidden motives and suspicious characters emerge, leading to unexpected twists and revelations.
“Grand Central Murder” is a gripping and atmospheric whodunit that captivates audiences with its taut suspense and clever plotting. Directed by S. Sylvan Simon, the film masterfully utilizes its iconic setting of Grand Central Terminal to create a sense of claustrophobia and intrigue, heightening the tension as the mystery unfolds. The ensemble cast delivers strong performances, with Van Heflin standing out as the determined Inspector Gunther, whose sharp wit and keen intuition drive the investigation forward. Supported by a diverse array of characters, each with their own motives and secrets, “Grand Central Murder” keeps viewers guessing until the final reveal, making it a satisfying and entertaining entry in the classic murder mystery genre.
Cast List:
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- Van Heflin as Inspector Gunther
- Patricia Dane as Mida King
- Cecilia Parker as Nikki Marlowe
- Virginia Grey as Kaaren Rina
- Sam Levene as Frankie Daniels
- Connie Gilchrist as Miss Flossie
- Mark Daniels as George Haywood
- Stephen McNally as Dr. Paul Rinehart
- Tom Conway as Jim Riley
- Samuel S. Hinds as Henry S. Kyle
- Millard Mitchell as Detective Max
- Horace McMahon as Barney Runson
- Stanley Prager as Tommy Cullen
- Tom Dugan as Officer Dugan
- Granville Bates as Mr. Blackford