This Above All (1942) | Directed by Anatole Litvak

“This Above All” is a poignant wartime drama set in England during World War II. Against the backdrop of the conflict, the film delves into themes of love, duty, and personal conviction. It follows the story of Prudence Cathaway, an aristocratic woman who finds herself questioning her privileged upbringing and societal expectations as she falls in love with a disillusioned soldier named Clive Briggs. Their romance becomes a battleground of conflicting ideologies and moral dilemmas, forcing them to confront their deepest beliefs in the face of adversity.

Directed with sensitivity and nuance, “This Above All” offers a compelling exploration of the human spirit amidst the chaos of war. The film’s emotional depth is matched by its stunning cinematography and evocative score, creating a captivating cinematic experience. The stellar performances by the cast bring authenticity and resonance to the characters, drawing viewers into their struggles and triumphs. With its thought-provoking narrative and powerful themes, “This Above All” stands as a timeless classic that continues to resonate with audiences today.


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  1. Tyrone Power as Clive Briggs
  2. Joan Fontaine as Prudence Cathaway
  3. Thomas Mitchell as Bill
  4. Henry Stephenson as Sir Walter
  5. Nigel Bruce as Mr. Cathaway
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