“Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein” is a classic horror-comedy film that brings together the iconic comedy duo, Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, with the legendary monsters of Universal Studios. In this hilarious yet thrilling adventure, Abbott and Costello find themselves caught in a series of misadventures when they encounter Dracula, Frankenstein’s monster, and the Wolf Man. As chaos ensues, the duo must navigate their way through a series of comedic encounters while trying to outwit the monstrous foes.
This film is a delightful blend of humor and horror, showcasing Abbott and Costello’s comedic talents alongside the iconic monsters of Universal Studios. The clever script and witty performances make for an entertaining watch, appealing to both fans of classic comedy and horror alike. “Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein” remains a beloved cult classic, praised for its timeless humor and memorable moments.
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- Bud Abbott as Chick Young
- Lou Costello as Wilbur Grey
- Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula
- Lon Chaney Jr. as Lawrence “Larry” Talbot (The Wolf Man)
- Glenn Strange as Frankenstein’s monster
- Lenore Aubert as Dr. Sandra Mornay
- Jane Randolph as Joan Raymond
- Frank Ferguson as Mr. McDougal