Sonia Dresdel, Guy Middleton, Hubert Gregg, Colin Gordon, Karel Stepanek, Eleanor Summerfield, John Slater, Cyril Smith
“The Third Visitor” is a gripping British thriller directed by the seasoned Maurice Elvey. The story revolves around the mysterious circumstances following the death of a wealthy man, which gathers a group of individuals each with their own secrets and connections to the deceased. As the narrative unfolds, tensions rise and suspicions escalate among the guests, all entangled in a web of deceit and intrigue.
This film showcases a tightly knit plot and effective character development, emblematic of post-war British cinema. The performances, especially by Sonia Dresdel and Guy Middleton, are notably strong, driving the suspenseful atmosphere. While not widely known today, “The Third Visitor” offers a compelling glimpse into the era’s style and storytelling, making it a fascinating watch for fans of classic mysteries.
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