Yellow Canary (1943) | Directed by Herbert Wilcox

“Yellow Canary” (1943) is a British thriller film directed by Herbert Wilcox. The film stars Anna Neagle, Richard Greene, and Albert Lieven. Set during World War II, the film tells the story of a British woman who is suspected of being a Nazi sympathizer and spy. Her journey from suspicion to redemption forms the crux of the narrative, set against the backdrop of war-torn Britain.

Sally Maitland (Anna Neagle) is a glamorous and enigmatic British socialite who becomes the subject of scrutiny and suspicion due to her apparent pro-Nazi sympathies. To clear her name, she agrees to work undercover for British intelligence. Her mission takes her to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where she is to unmask a Nazi spy ring. As she navigates this dangerous world, she encounters Commander Jim Garrick (Richard Greene), who is skeptical of her true intentions. Through a series of perilous encounters and narrow escapes, Sally proves her loyalty to Britain, ultimately uncovering the spy ring and thwarting a Nazi plot.

“Yellow Canary” is a tightly woven espionage thriller that blends suspense with wartime patriotism. Anna Neagle delivers a compelling performance as Sally Maitland, skillfully portraying the transition from a suspect of treason to a patriotic heroine. Richard Greene complements her performance with his portrayal of the steadfast and initially skeptical Jim Garrick. The film is well-paced, maintaining tension throughout its runtime, and its plot twists keep the audience engaged. The direction by Herbert Wilcox is adept, managing to keep the balance between drama and suspense, while the screenplay effectively captures the atmosphere of wartime paranoia and intrigue.

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“Yellow Canary” was well-received by critics upon its release, particularly for its strong performances and gripping storyline. Anna Neagle’s portrayal of Sally Maitland was praised for its depth and complexity, and the film’s suspenseful narrative was highlighted as a strong point. Critics appreciated the film’s patriotic undertones and its ability to maintain suspense without sacrificing character development. Some contemporary reviews noted that while the film adhered to some of the wartime propaganda elements typical of the era, it did so with a sophistication that elevated it above mere propaganda.


  • Anna Neagle as Sally Maitland
  • Richard Greene as Commander Jim Garrick
  • Albert Lieven as Paul Cravat
  • Lucie Mannheim as Gertrude
  • Nova Pilbeam as Jennifer
  • Franklin Dyall as Colonel Scarsdale
  • Brefni O’Rorke as Major Elliston
  • Marjorie Fielding as Lady Maitland

“Yellow Canary” remains a noteworthy entry in British wartime cinema, distinguished by its strong central performance and effective suspense. The film’s blend of espionage and patriotism, combined with its well-crafted plot, makes it a compelling watch for fans of classic thrillers.

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