Three Blind Mice (1938) | Directed by William A. Seiter

“Three Blind Mice” is a romantic comedy film directed by William A. Seiter and released in 1938. The film stars Loretta Young, Joel McCrea, David Niven, and Stuart Erwin. The screenplay, written by Brown Holmes and Lynn Starling, is based on a play by Stephen Powys. The story follows three sisters who inherit a modest sum of money and decide to embark on a lavish vacation in California, where they each hope to find a wealthy husband.

The story revolves around three sisters, Joan (Loretta Young), Kay (Ruth Hussey), and Elizabeth (Marjorie Weaver), who use their small inheritance to take a luxurious trip to California, pretending to be wealthy heiresses. Their goal is to marry rich men. Joan quickly attracts the attention of a handsome and wealthy man, Steve Harrington (Joel McCrea). However, complications arise when another wealthy suitor, David Halsey (David Niven), enters the picture, and Joan starts to develop genuine feelings for one of them. The sisters’ deception leads to a series of comedic misunderstandings and romantic entanglements.

“Three Blind Mice” is noted for its charming and lighthearted narrative, enhanced by strong performances from its lead cast. Loretta Young shines in her role as Joan, bringing both elegance and humor to the character. Joel McCrea and David Niven provide excellent support, delivering witty and engaging performances. The film’s direction by William A. Seiter ensures a brisk pace and maintains a balance between comedy and romance, making it an enjoyable watch.

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Upon its release, “Three Blind Mice” received positive reviews for its entertaining storyline and delightful performances. Critics praised the chemistry among the lead actors and the film’s witty dialogue. The screenplay was highlighted for its cleverness in blending romance and humor. Contemporary reviews often describe the film as a delightful and charming romantic comedy that stands out for its engaging plot and charismatic cast.


  • Loretta Young as Joan Crawley
  • Joel McCrea as Steve Harrington
  • David Niven as David Halsey
  • Ruth Hussey as Kay Crawley
  • Marjorie Weaver as Elizabeth Crawley
  • Stuart Erwin as Mike Brophy

“Three Blind Mice” remains a notable film from the late 1930s, offering a delightful mix of romance and comedy with standout performances by its talented cast. The film’s lighthearted approach and engaging storyline continue to be appreciated by audiences and critics alike.

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