A Man Betrayed (1941) | Directed by John H. Auer

“A Man Betrayed,” also known as “Wheel of Fortune,” is a 1941 crime drama film directed by John H. Auer. The story follows Lynn Hollister, a small-town lawyer played by John Wayne, who travels to the big city to investigate the mysterious death of his friend. Lynn’s investigation leads him into a world of political corruption, organized crime, and shady dealings. Along the way, he encounters the beautiful and resourceful Sabra Cameron, played by Frances Dee, and together they work to uncover the truth and bring the culprits to justice.


  • John Wayne as Lynn Hollister
  • Frances Dee as Sabra Cameron
  • Edward Ellis as Thomas “Tom” Cameron
  • Wallace Ford as Casey
  • Ward Bond as Floyd
  • Harold Huber as Tilly Coletti
  • Alexander Granach as Frank Denton

“A Man Betrayed” is a solid entry in the crime drama genre, bolstered by John Wayne’s charismatic performance and a gripping narrative that delves into themes of justice and moral integrity. John H. Auer’s direction keeps the film taut and engaging, effectively blending elements of mystery, action, and romance. The screenplay offers a mix of suspense and drama, with well-crafted dialogue and a storyline that keeps the audience invested in the protagonist’s quest for justice.

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John Wayne delivers a compelling performance as Lynn Hollister, showcasing his versatility beyond the typical Western roles he is known for. Frances Dee complements Wayne well, bringing charm and strength to her role as Sabra Cameron. The supporting cast, including Edward Ellis and Ward Bond, add depth and color to the film, contributing to its overall impact.

Upon its release, “A Man Betrayed” received generally positive reviews from critics. Critics praised John Wayne’s departure from his usual Western roles, highlighting his strong screen presence and ability to handle a dramatic role with conviction. Frances Dee’s performance was also well-received, with critics noting her chemistry with Wayne and her portrayal of a strong, independent woman.

The film’s exploration of political corruption and organized crime was considered timely and engaging, resonating with audiences of the era. The direction and pacing of the film were commended for maintaining suspense and keeping the narrative engaging.

In modern retrospectives, “A Man Betrayed” is viewed as a notable film in John Wayne’s career, demonstrating his range as an actor. Contemporary critics appreciate the film’s well-executed plot and the strong performances of its cast. The film’s themes of justice and integrity continue to be relevant, making it a compelling watch for fans of classic crime dramas.

Overall, “A Man Betrayed” remains a well-regarded film from the early 1940s, showcasing John Wayne’s versatility and offering a gripping narrative that combines elements of crime, drama, and romance.

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