“Terror by Night” (1946) is a classic mystery film featuring the iconic detective Sherlock Holmes. Set on a train journey from London to Edinburgh, the film revolves around the theft of a valuable diamond known as the “Star of Rhodesia.” Holmes and his trusty companion, Dr. Watson, are tasked with protecting the jewel and uncovering the identity of the thief among the train’s passengers. As the journey progresses, Holmes navigates a web of deceit, danger, and murder, showcasing his remarkable deductive skills.
“Terror by Night” is praised for its suspenseful plot and tight pacing, characteristic of the Sherlock Holmes series starring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. The film is celebrated for its engaging narrative, atmospheric setting, and the dynamic chemistry between Rathbone and Bruce. Despite its relatively short runtime, it effectively captures the essence of a classic Holmes mystery. Critics have noted the film’s ability to maintain tension and intrigue throughout, making it a memorable entry in the Holmes canon.
Star Cast
Sherlock Holmes: Basil Rathbone
Dr. John Watson: Nigel Bruce
Lady Margaret Carstairs: Mary Forbes
Vivian Vedder: Renee Godfrey
Inspector Lestrade: Dennis Hoey
Major Duncan-Bleek: Alan Mowbray
Roland Carstairs: Geoffrey Steele
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“Terror by Night” is directed by Roy William Neill, who helmed many of the Sherlock Holmes films starring Rathbone and Bruce. Neill’s direction is noted for its efficiency and ability to create an immersive and suspenseful atmosphere. His work on the Holmes series is widely respected, contributing significantly to the enduring popularity of these adaptations.