“Here Come the Huggetts” is a British comedy film and the first in a series about the Huggett family, a working-class household dealing with the everyday trials and tribulations of post-war Britain. The film blends humor with social commentary, focusing on the dynamics within the family as they navigate their way through the changing landscape of post-war society.
The film was well-received for its charming depiction of British family life, providing a nostalgic glimpse into the era. Its relatable characters and humorous take on the challenges of daily life struck a chord with audiences, making it a popular success at the time. The Huggetts became a beloved family in British cinema, leading to several sequels.
Ken Annakin’s direction balances humor with subtle social commentary, showcasing the resilience and warmth of the Huggett family. The performances, particularly by Jack Warner and Kathleen Harrison, anchor the film with authenticity and heart. Petula Clark, in one of her early roles, also shines, adding a youthful energy to the cast. The film is a testament to post-war British cinema’s ability to capture the spirit of the times while entertaining audiences.
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“Here Come the Huggetts” stands as an enduring example of British comedy, highlighting the importance of family and community in the face of societal change.
Star Cast:
- Jack Warner as Joe Huggett
- Kathleen Harrison as Ethel Huggett
- Petula Clark as Susan Huggett
- Jane Hylton as Jane Huggett
- Susan Shaw as Pet Huggett
- Jimmy Hanley as Jimmy Gardner
- Diana Dors as Diana Hopkins