Step into the shadowy world of desire and deceit with “Temptation,” a gripping American film noir thriller directed by Irving Pichel. The film, released in 1946, weaves a tale of love, betrayal, and deadly secrets, adapted from Robert Smythe Hichens’s 1909 novel “Bella Donna.” Starring Merle Oberon, George Brent, Charles Korvin, and Paul Lukas, the cast delivers captivating performances that bring the suspenseful plot to life.
Set in the 1890s, “Temptation” follows the story of Ruby (Merle Oberon), a London courtesan who ensnares a loving but naive Egyptologist, Nigel Armine (George Brent). The couple marries and moves to Egypt, where Ruby’s boredom leads her into the arms of Mamhoud Baroudi (Charles Korvin). As Ruby and Mamhoud embark on a passionate affair, their desires turn deadly, and they plot to kill Ruby’s husband. The film unfolds against the backdrop of Egypt, blending romance with noir elements in a narrative that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.
- Merle Oberon as Ruby
- George Brent as Nigel Armine
- Charles Korvin as Mahoud Baroudi
- Paul Lukas as Sir Meyer Isaacson
- Lenore Ulric as Marie
- Arnold Moss as Ahmed Effendi
- Robert Capa as Hamza
- Aubrey Mather as Dr. Harding
- Ludwig Stössel as Dr. Mueller
- André Charlot as Prof. Dupont
- Suzanne Cloutier as Yvonne Dupont
- Gloria Lloyd as Jean McCormick
“Temptation” marked Edward Small’s first production after the termination of his contract with United Artists. It became the inaugural film to be shot at Universal under the United World Pictures merger with International Pictures. The film’s production journey, spanning five years with near-starts and postponements, showcases the persistence required to bring this noir masterpiece to life.
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Photographer Robert Capa’s unexpected acting debut in “Temptation” adds a unique dimension to the film’s history. Capa’s convincing audition for the role of Hamza, driven by his visit to the set, highlights the collaborative and dynamic nature of the production.
Upon its release, “Temptation” garnered attention for its spellbinding narrative, atmospheric noir cinematography, and standout performances. Merle Oberon’s portrayal of the enigmatic Ruby, combined with the film’s exotic setting and intricate plot, left audiences enthralled. The film continues to be celebrated as a classic in the noir genre, standing the test of time as a captivating cinematic experience.
“Temptation” remains a testament to the allure of film noir, offering a journey into the darker recesses of human desires and the consequences that follow.